How does it work?
NemaDecide PCN is a tool for preparing recommendations for controlling the potato cyst nematode. NemaDecide Plus can compute scenarios for control of the potato cyst nematode, the Columbia root knot nematode, the root lesion nematode, and for mixed infestations of all these nematodes.
NemaDecide contains extensive information about almost all potato cultivars grown in The Netherlands (over 400 cultivars). Selecting suitable cultivars, based on supplier and/or desired cultivar properties, can be done with ease.

Cultivar information screen with an example of cultivar selection on the basis of cultivar properties.
The programme can make cost/benefit analyses of various potato cropping scenarios, for which the KWIN (KWantitatieve INformatie of agriculture in the Netherlands) data can be used. These data have been made available in NemaDecide.

Net income calculations on the basis of KWIN data for potato cultivation.